Jul 3, 2009

artist tyeb mehta gone but his artistic genius will live on

artist tyeb mehta gone but his artistic genius will live on

Title: artist tyeb mehta gone but his artistic genius will live on
Size: 12" X 8"
Date of creation: 2009 July

His paintings are stark and clutch at your throat, and they depict emotions that are laid completely bare. Few colours, uncomplicated but incredibly powerful shapes and an overall impact that can stagger you. From his 'Kali' that was the first Indian painting to break the Rs. 1 crore barrier to 'Mahisasura', his paintings have a primal power that cannot be matched by any other painter.

Just 'image search' Tyeb Mehta on Google, and you will understand what I mean, by the unimaginably powerful yet simple yet complex work that he created. India has lost one her greatest painters.

1 comment:

  1. Tyeb's death is a loss to the Indian art industry!!! I am a big fan of his works
